Meet Wildège François
She/They · USA ·
Moving through the journey of selfhood is allowing your body to experience everything it needs to feel. To not turn it off, abuse it or ignore it but instead, recognize that It is the only vessel of expression that we can truly embody. Acknowledging that it has the power to break, birth, empower, die, seduce, dream, fly and fall, so from one experience to another, your body moves, adapts, and evolves. It is our metaphor for creation and quite literally does everything it can to keep us alive. So speaking in the language of colors, you allow the body to manifest a metaphysical understanding of all-encompassing elements that involve bodily emotion. The human experience connects us. The same blood you bleed, the tears you cry, the way we scream, the way we love, laugh, and dream has the potential to drag us in one way or another. However in essence are they not essential to the experiences that make us feel the most alive?